
“The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.” (Sheryl Sandberg, “Lean In” author & Board member, former COO of Meta)

We strive to embrace the power of learning and growing simply because the ability to acquire new insights turns out to be quite essential for successful leadership. That’s why we offer a range of enlightening articles on topics related to business growth and m&a, as well as inspiring stories about dreaming and doing.

By reflecting and writing about these themes, we hope to grow ourselves to unexpected heights. Enjoy our content, be inspired, dream big, and turn those dreams into action.

  • Private equity investors play a significant role in the economy and act as active owners of their portfolio companies. They invest in companies with the goal of value creation and can have a considerable influence on the strategic decisions of those companies. Most encourage more daring and greater ambitions. Most, because a lot depends on…

  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are sometimes complex but always fascinating—a true dance where steps are taken carefully and strategically. Willy Walker, CEO of Walker & Dunlop, is a virtuoso in this dance. Under his leadership, the company grew from a value of $25 million to several billion and realized no less than 16 acquisitions. In…

  • This week, I spoke 4 entrepreneurs, each pushing the boundaries of the conventional in their own way, and I discovered a fascinating world of growth challenges. The first, a kind of digital wizard, is balancing growth and quality of the developed software – he doesn’t want his software to collapse like a house of cards…

    Jim Collins reveals a simple truth

  • In these turbulent economic times, where inflation and interest rates dance a rumba to the rhythm of geopolitical tensions, the mergers and acquisitions market looks like a rough sea full of opportunities. But fear not, for there is no better time to sharpen your m&a knowledge and brave the waves. That is, if you’re serious…

    something with rabbits and capital availability